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At All Saints Junior School our science curriculum and teaching aims to be: 


We inspire the children to have a love of learning and have an open mindset when facing new or difficult challenges  


Our curriculum embraces technology it is challenging and creative and relevant to the community and world we live in. Children are investigative and curious about their learning and have fun in developing skills for later life and are active and health conscious.  


Our curriculum is inclusive, built to support multiple intelligences and is child informed. It empowers and motivates all children to challenge their current ways of thinking and reach their full potential.  

For Science this will look like:  

Enthusiastic children who are enjoying learning and wanting to tell you about the things they have discovered and how they have discovered them. Children who are proud of their recording of science and can explain how it shows what they learned and what they need to learn next. Teachers who feel confident in and enjoy teaching science in a way that inspires children to want to find out answers.