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At All Saints we follow Read Write Inc Phonics:


Read Write Inc has five underlying principles.  These are the known as the five Ps.

Pace- an energetic and lively pace to help ensure all children are engaged at all times.

Praise-children learn more quickly when they are praised, so all staff aim to ‘catch’ children behaving sensibly and working well with their partner so they can praise them.  Praise is given through ‘praise phrases’ such as ‘you are fantastic!’ and ‘praise actions’ such as ‘whoosh!’.  Please ask your child to show you some praise actions.

Purpose- Staff know the purpose of each activity and share this with the children so they understand what they are learning and why.

Participation-It is important that all children participate 100% of the time so they do not miss any part of the lesson and learning is maximised!

Passion- Staff are passionate about teaching Phonics as they can see how much progress children make!

Please follow this link to access the Read Write Inc website: