Maths Intent:
At All Saints C of E Junior School, we are adopting a mastery approach in the learning and teaching of mathematics. Currently, this is developing across the school. The main aim of such an approach and development of a curriculum model that values ‘going deeper’ is to ensure that our children develop a secure knowledge of mathematical concepts, as well as an acquisition of skills such as reasoning, so that they can access age-appropriate ideas as detailed in the DfE ‘Mathematics guidance: key stages 1 and 2’ (2020) publication, and do not see gaps open in their learning over time. Integral to this is the school’s vision for mathematics which rejects the idea that a large proportion of people ‘just can’t do maths,’ and aligns with the belief that ‘everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics.’ NCETM – ‘The Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery’ (2022)
Despite starting to develop a mastery approach in the learning and teaching of mathematics, we are aware that some children will have gaps in their pre-requisite knowledge, including ‘number novices’ who transition here from infants’ schools having had a variety of different mathematical opportunities. It is intended that our medium-term planning in Key Stage 2 extends learning, plus accounts for cases where ‘catch-up’ is still required. In addition, this planning also involves longer being spent on each topic as mastery is an integral part of the system, which means a broadening of knowledge and skills can take place as part of pupils’ learning experiences.
As a result of this approach being taken, it is intended that more whole-class teaching will be evident than before the implementation of the 2014 National Curriculum. Pupils should consequently progress through curriculum content at broadly the same rate, although support/intervention and broader learning opportunities provided can move groups of children on so that they are able to:
Grasp concepts and methods, e.g. through more varied use of practical equipment
Be taken deeper through exposure to greater depth in their learning, e.g. through tackling more complex problems in different contexts