Extra Curricular Clubs
Extra Curricular Clubs booking information
All Saints have a variety of before and after school clubs on offer, run by both school staff and external providers. A full list of the clubs on offer each term can be found below. Please see individual tabs for further details regarding booking and payment.
Breakfast Club
From 7.45am daily, our in-house wraparound care Breakfast Club provides busy parents with the opportunity to give their children a good start to their school day. Sessions cost £4 from 7.45am and £3.50 from 8am.
Please contact Mrs Deal in the school office, via email, to secure a place at the breakfast club or use the contact form on the Useful Forms Page.
Please note that places should be booked and paid for at least one week in advance.
Sports 4 Kids after-school club
Our after-school wraparound care provider is Sports 4 Kids. Despite the name, Sports 4 kids offers a wide range of after-school activities including crafts, games, problem-solving, baking etc. Please note, Sports 4 kids are an external provider.
The flyer below has more information about the club and parents will be able to book by visiting sport4kids.biz/book-a-club-school/
School-run clubs
To sign up for any of the school-run clubs on offer, please make payment via your child's Scopay account. You will then be sent a link to the relevant registration form. Where no payment is required, please register your interest with the school office.
For further rules and bookings procedure, please see the tab below.